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Implement Unix Timestamp to Daytime

Given an unsigned integer that represents a timestamp since 1970/01/01 00:00:00 (which is Unix epoch time), output one of these to represent the daytime in GMT timezone:


Examples of bad answers

Test cases

-> 1970/01/01 00:00:00
-> 2001/09/09 01:46:39
-> 2006/04/15 22:58:39
-> 2012/02/29 07:20:00
-> 2021/10/09 09:54:53
-> 2038/01/19 03:14:07


Here are implementations:

Related problems



What is the maximum value generated by interleaving?

INTERCAL has an interleave operator which does the following operation. Let left operand be asdf and right one qwer in binary, respectively. The operation produces a binary value aqswdefr.

INTERCAL internally treats data as unsigned integers, so the value of the eight-bit value represents 0 to 255 in decimal, inclusively.

If one operand has fewer bits than the other, the fewer one gets padded with zero before operation. So, asd interleaving with qwer is equal to 0asd interleaving with qwer, which is 0qawsedr: it represents 0 to 127 in decimal.

Also, INTERCAL has an extension that handles any bases. Let's assume if 3-base numbers are handled. If each operand has 1 and 3 digits respectively, the maximum value for each operand is represented as 2 and 222 in 3-base number, respectively. Interleaving them results in 020222, which is 188 in decimal.


Given an input of three unsigned integers, output the largest possible value generated by interleaving. The three integers are: number of digits for left operand, number of digits for right operand, and in what base those operands are described with.



Test cases




I have posted this golfing tip for Bash before:

In Pure Bash (or any other pure shellscript), use . for looping.

It's a tip that recomments using a file whose the program has. I have ever posted these answers that uses the tip:

But I have thought that these situations can be thought:

What assumptions must be given for such programs?


Convert codepoint to UTF-1


Implement every dirname (1p)

Implement the dirname utility from scratch. It can be either a program or a fucntion. Assume input string satisfies these constraints:

The dirname utility, however, has two kinds of implementations. This is because some POSIX systems treat //foo/bar differently from /foo/bar. So in this challenge, you must output every possible outputs, in any order. They can be duplicated.

Here is the algorithm to implement the utility, provided string to be input:

  1. If string is //, skip steps 2 to 5.
  2. If string consists entirely of <slash> characters, string shall be set to a single <slash> character. In this case, skip steps 3 to 8.
  3. If there are any trailing <slash> characters in string, they shall be removed.
  4. If there are no <slash> characters remaining in string, string shall be set to a single <period> character. In this case, skip steps 5 to 8.
  5. If there are any trailing non- <slash> characters in string, they shall be removed.
  6. If the remaining string is //, it is implementation-defined whether steps 7 and 8 are skipped or processed.
  7. If there are any trailing <slash> characters in string, they shall be removed.
  8. If the remaining string is empty, string shall be set to a single <slash> character.

The final string is the output.

Standard I/O rules apply. Standard Loopholes apply. No builtins or libraries that does exactly same functionality. Shortest code wins.


Some examples are taken from POSIX explaination of basename().

* means an empty string. 1st column is input and 2nd and 3rd are possible outputs.

usr               .
usr/              .
*                 .
..                .
../               .
/                 /
//                /          //
///               /
/usr/             /
//usr/            /          //
///usr/           /
/usr/lib          /usr
//usr//lib//      //usr
/home//dwc//test  /home//dwc



I am a Pxem user; I have answered some in Pxem. Since does not provide Pxem, I am posting online demo, with my interpreter, like this.

The problem is: code for the interpreter is long; so does the url. I have never been critized about that, but would I mind you if I keep submitting so?


Non-Hamming numbers


Solve the halting problem for ^/a*b*/b*a*/[ab]*$ in ///

///, a.k.a. Slashes is an esoteric programming language with simple two operations. One is to output its source to remove from it. The other is to substitute itself. The language is proven to be Turing-complete, so some programs such as /ab/bbaa/aab won't halt while some such as /ab/bbaa/ab will.

At first I questioned if halting problem for ^/[ab]*/[ab]*/[ab]*$ is solvable, but I learned unlikely.

So I am simplying to ^/a*b*/b*a*/[ab]*$.


Given a slashes program that matches ^/a*b*/b*a*/[ab]*$ in POSIX BRE (i.e. below), determine whether the program halts or not.

Format of program, if you are not familiar with POSIX BRE

program = "/" first "/" second "/" third
first = "" | first "a" | first first.b
first.b = "" | first.b "b"
second = "" | second "b" | second second.a
second.a = "" | second.a "a"
third = "" | third "a" | third "b"


In this problem every program's length is up to 153.

Detailed rules


Testcase generator 1

My noncompetive solution

///: no
/a//: yes
/ab/bba/aab: yes
/ab/bba/aaab: yes
/ab/bba/aabb: no



My quine in Pxem was criticised as not being a quine, as they output their filenames, not the content of those files. A Pxem program is represented as a pair of a filename and content of file.

So far I have submitted three versions of quines; one requires content of file to be empty; the other two do not. Are these valid quines per our site rules?

Should I consider resubmitting as distinct notation such as esolang-box who represents a Pxem program as a string?


Convert codepoint to UTF-9


Custom Rows of Smileys Triangle